Greetings Staff and Students!
On Friday, August 12th, we are once again going to be partaking in a Trojan Way “Beginning
of the School Year” celebration. The parts of the celebration will remain the same as in past
years; we will have a “Cook-Out” style lunch (Hamburgers/Hot Dogs), followed by a Bounce
House at the football field for all students to part take in.
We will use the following schedule to get all students down to the bounce house.
1) Lunch will be eaten at regular (Friday schedule) times for all students.
2) Students will go to the bounce house at the following times: (Staff, if you have the students
during this time frame, please bring them down to the field, stay and take the students
back to the school.)
1) 4th/5th/6th will go to the bounce house from 10:30 am to 11:15 am.
2) 7th/8th will go to the bounce house from 11:20 am to 12:05 pm.
3) 9th-12th will go to the bounce house from 12:35 pm to 1:20 pm
4) K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd will go to the bounce house from 1:20 pm to 2:10 pm.
5) NHS students will stay with the last group to help students through the bounce house.
The positive behavior of our students is what makes each school day a great experience for all
the stakeholders of Cambridge Public Schools. Students that want to engage in learning and
be respectful make CPS a great place to live, work and learn! We look forward to experiencing
this day with all of our students and we look forward to this “kicking-off” a great 2022-23
school year!
Mr. Jarod Albers
Cambridge Public Schools

Trojan Way "Beginning of the Year Celebration"
August 4, 2022