The Trojans drop their 2nd round match of the State Quiz Bowl to Freeman by a final score of 5-50.
Cambridge Quiz Bowl advances with a first round win over Wahoo 50-15. #trojanway
Mr. Warren Dunlap spoke to some of the juniors about a novel he wrote and his life. Juniors have been studying various independent novels. Mr. Dunlap’s novel “Liar” is one of them. He also showed the students how he believed the train robbers carried all of the gold from the train robbery in 1877 that “Liar” is based on.
More pictures from NSAA State Journalism 2024.
These journalism students competed at state journalism in Norfolk today. The Yearbook Theme Development team received 8th place. Emma Rasmussen was State Champion in Yearbook Copy Writing and Broadcast Feature Video and and 5th place in Artistic Illustration. Congratulations!
You don't want to miss out on this hilarious play by the Cambridge High School Theater! Get your tickets ASAP! They always go fast! Stop by or call the main office at (308) 697-3322 to get yours reserved TODAY!
Cambridge junior Savannah Paisley competed at the Nebraska State National History Day competition in Lincoln today. #TrojanWay
Well done Trojans! #TrojanWay
Mrs. Brown and 5 members of the Cambridge JH Speech team were in Maxwell today. They had a great showing and all came away with medals in their first competition! Jake Rasmussen 4th in Entertainment. MadaLynn Benson 5th in Informative. Lydia McGowen 3rd in Informative. Reid Huxoll 4th in Humorous Prose. Ashton Brown 3rd in Persuasive. #TrojanWay
First rounds have been completed at the Junior High Speech meet today. They are all doing great! A special thank you to CPS seniors Emma and Brenna for helping judge today! #TrojanWay
We have had a few cases of head lice today at CPS! Please take a look at these recommendations from the Southwest Nebraska Health Department.
Don't forget! Junior High Dance permission slips are due back to the main office this Friday! The dance is happening on Saturday!
Trojans come home with Runner-Up honors for both the Girls and Boys squads at the Jim Mather Meet in Arapahoe!
1st graders are being super creative in art today. They are using books to create puppet plays! They've gotten into groups, chosen a book, we've discussed characters and props, and are creating everything they need to make their stories come alive!
The Junior Track Meet scheduled in Arapahoe on Tuesday, April 16th has been postponed to Friday, April 19th. Cambridge will be attending the Arapahoe JH Track meet on Friday and not attending the Holdrege JH Track meet as originally planned.
Success at the Paint in competition! Annon got the judges choice award on his Old Ford Mustang drawing, Paytin got 2nd place with her mixed media work called Self Worth, and JoLie (not pictured) got 3rd place with her painting, Pleasure and Pain, Dr. Hook. We didn't place in the mural competition, but there were 22 teams and a lot of stiff competition. #TrojanWay
Great Opportunity for Kids Dental Health!
After 9 weeks of hard work, Jeremiah Huntley has finished his Claes Oldenburg-inspired sculpture called "Sad Wet Toilet Paper for his 3D III class. Jeremiah learned about the sculptor Claes Oldenburg, and how he took common objects and made them into huge public art sculptures. Some of his most famous are "Spoonbridge and Cherry," and "Giant Clothespin."
FCCLA members attended State FCCLA this week in Lincoln. Congratulations to Brenna, Carson, and Kamryn for receiving a bronze in their National Programs in Action Project.
Order of Events for todays Jr. High Track Meet at Alma.