Cambridge TrapTeam: Students, in grades 6-12, that are interested in shooting in the Mid Nebraska Trap league this year there will be a parents meeting at Pinpoint offices on Monday January 29 at 6pm. This team meeting is not for students that are wishing to solely participate in 4H trap shooting.
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Mrs Nanfito's 4th graders and Mrs Brown's Homeroom took on the checkers challenge today. #TrojanWay
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Homeroom Buddies checkers challenge
Mr.  Derek Downer, Waypoint Bank Branch manager talked to some seniors in Fundamental Communications class about loans, how they work, and the importance of reading the loan agreement.  Thank you Mr. Downer!   
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
discussing loans
discussing loans
discussing loans
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Let's take a moment to thank our dedicated school board members for their hard work and commitment to our children's education. Your tireless efforts in guiding our schools are truly appreciated. Thanks for all that you do! #trojanway
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Cambridge students who were identified with a "Good News" communication for going above and beyond with the TrojanWay last week.
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Good News recipients S2C
Here are this week's Students of the Week for Cambridge Public Schools. Bailee Ahlemeyer Timbur Trumble Lauren Baumeister
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
The Young Americans are coming back to Cambridge! Information will be sent home with the students this week. Participation is FREE for all CPS students in grades 3-12. Students from outside of CPS are welcome to register as well but there will be a $100 cost for participation. There is also an opportunity to host two or more of the cast members in your home. Sign up to host online (there is an option during the registration process) or contact Mrs. Sarah Witt ( if you are interested!
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Young Americans Info
Young Americans Info
Young Americans Info
Congratulations to the Cambridge Trojans Wrestlers, 2024 RPAC Conference Champions! Individual Champions are: 132 - Dierks Sayer 138 - Carter Hanes 157 - Hunter Perks #trojanway
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Guitar classes learned to re-string guitars today! #TrojanWay
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
guitar strings
guitar strings
guitar strings
RPAC ART Results for Cambridge JoLie Farr won the medal for her watercolor painting "Inverted". She also won 3rd honorable mention for her enlarged painting of the album cover "Pleasure and Pain - Dr. Hook". The drawing "Old Ford Mustang" by Annon Wolf was awarded 1st honorable mention. 2nd honorable mention was awarded to "Young Woman with a Butterfly" by Irmina Cramer. Congratulations to these very talented artists! #TrojanWay
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Annon drawing
Irmina drawing
JoLie drawing
JoLie cover
Breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 am tomorrow (Friday) morning. #trojanway
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
CPS will be using a 9am Late start tomorrow to allow everyone to travel to school in the daylight hours. We will stay with a normal 2:30 pm Friday dismissal. At this time, all activities planned for tomorrow will go forward as planned. Stay tuned for any changes! #trojanway
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
The Art 3 students are showing their creative skills in their Surrealism paintings!
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Art 3 Surrealism paintings
Art 3 Surrealism paintings
Art 3 Surrealism paintings
Good luck Trojan Wrestling at the Hitchcock County Quad! **Note that they matches are in Culbertson! #trojanway
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Good luck CHS Hoopsters tonight in Benkelman! #trojanway
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Please consider giving blood. #TrojanWay
12 months ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Red Cross Blood Drive
Due to the frigid cold temperatures and windchill tomorrow morning, Cambridge Public Schools will be having a 10am Late Start on Tuesday, January 16th, 2024. No morning PreK and No Breakfast will be served. #trojanway
about 1 year ago, Cambridge Public Schools
All of these Trojans were recognized for meeting/exceeding the TROJAN Way expectations last week.
about 1 year ago, Cambridge Public Schools
Good News - S2B
Here are this week's Students of the Week for Cambridge Public Schools. Trista Wolf Brayson Polly Brooklyn Ahlemeyer
about 1 year ago, Cambridge Public Schools
The RPAC Vocal Concert scheduled for today/tonight in Curtis has been postponed. A make up date for the concert is TBD. #trojanway
about 1 year ago, Cambridge Public Schools