Cambridge Families: As we move closer to the start of the 2022-2023 school year, we wanted to remind everyone that lunch fees are returning. The impact of Covid allowed all students to eat for free for the past two years. Unfortunately, the USDA did not approve the waiver to allow for the continuation of free meals for all students. The following are lunch and breakfast prices for the upcoming school year. The prices will remain the same as they were during the 2019-2020 school year. Breakfast $1.75 Elementary Lunch (PK-4) $2.75 Secondary Lunch (5-12) $3.10 Extra Milk- 35¢ Extra Juice- 30¢ Reduced Breakfast $0.30 Reduced Lunch $0.40 Adult Lunch $4.00 We need everyone's help this year and are asking that all families fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch forms. The forms are being mailed out today and will also be available at school. Filling out the forms can save your family money on lunch and breakfast fees and can impact our school's federal and state funding. All lunch information is confidential. With the high cost of living and the impact gas prices are having on us all; we want to help your family save some money now that lunch and breakfast fees are coming back into the equation. Your help is very much needed and appreciated.
over 2 years ago, Cambridge Public Schools
child eating school lunch
Just wishing everyone a wonderful 4th of July weekend!
over 2 years ago, Cambridge Public Schools