Updated event list for this week!
Check out Trojan Volleyball tonight on the Wallace Schools Striv Channel: https://striv.tv/channel/wallace/
Trojan Football will be streamed at the following link on Friday night in North Platte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgS-QVXJU3g
The Trojan Volleyball home tournament will be streamed on the Cambridge Trojans Channel on Youtube Saturday, check out the following link for that event: https://www.youtube.com/user/CPSstudentchannel

Reminder that Smartsense will be taking place tomorrow (Thursday) for students in grades 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades! #trojanway

Check out the following slides to help get you to the live stream of Cambridge Trojan Events! #trojanway

Mini Trojans Cheer Camp

Here Is the information about game times for the Volleyball Invite on Saturday the 27th.

What is Artsonia?
Artsonia is the world's largest collection of student art, published by teachers and students from around the world. Parents and family can view the art online, leave comments and order keepsakes featuring the artwork. Cambridge Public School has been participating in Artsonia since 2012. Scan the QR code and sign up with email to be able to see what your child is creating.

Student Assurance Services is a company that provides an opportunity for families to receive low-cost insurance for their students or student-athletes. If you are interested, here is some information below.

Big shout out to these students earning this week's "Students of the Week!"
Ellice Banzhaf - Kindergarten
Kailey Carter - 6th Grade
Tye Stanton - Junior

Check out what is happening this week in Trojan Activities! #trojanway

Trojan Football held its annual scrimmage last night at Clint John Field. The Trojans open up their season next Friday night with a trip to North Platte to take on the St. Pat's Irish @ 7pm. Good luck this season Trojans! #trojanway

The Trojan Football Team is holding its annual Powerade/Gatorade Scrimmage tonight at the football field starting @ 6pm. Please bring a sports drink for admission. Thank you for supporting the coaches and athletes! #trojanway

Cambridge Public Schools successfully completed a "Lockdown" Drill today. Students and staff practiced 1) Locking the doors 2)Turning off the lights/Shutting the Blinds and 3) Remaining out of sight. The students and staff did awesome practicing these safety procedures! We learned some things that we need to improve on as well. Thanks to Deputy Gustafson for participating today! #trojanway

“The Cambridge Trojan Girls Golf team started the Fall Sports season off in a big way today! Five Trojans participated in the 2022 Cambridge Invite against four other schools.
Cambridge took 3 of the top 4 spots in the nine hole event. Those girls were Macy Jones (50 - Champion), Emma Rasmussen (55 - Runner-Up), and Jordyn Cross (60 - 4th Place). All five girls competed well on a beautiful day at Cross Creek.”

Lady Trojans kicked off the volleyball season tonight with a 3-0 victory in the annual Jamboree match vs Maxwell! #trojanway

Cambridge Public Schools, along with Furnas County Law Enforcement, will be practicing a “Lockdown Drill” tomorrow. Students will practice how to be quiet/out of sight while remaining in the classroom. Students will not evacuate off school grounds during this drill.

The Cambridge NHS Chapter to utilize the Box Top for Education Program as a service project for the chapter and school. #Trojanway

Reminder School Pictures
Wednesday, August 17th!
Order Online at h2ophoto.net

8th Grade STEM students working cooperatively to Save Sam!

Trojan football getting in a little work on a beautiful Saturday morning! Friday night lights are just around the corner! #daybyday #trojanway

Final set of pictures from today's "Trojanway Back to School Celebration"! #trojanway